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marty and ann in blue chute

Marty Tannahill - Instructor/Owner

ORCKA Master Canoeing Instructor

Canadian Style Paddling Instructor Trainer

Canoe Tripping Instructor Trainer

ORCKA Level II Instructor:
(Canoe Tripping
, Canadian Style Paddling,
River Running, Moving Water)

Flatwater Kayaking Instructor

Coastal Kayaking Instructor Trainer 2

Wilderness First Responder, CPR+

Swift Water Rescue 1

FFF Fly Casting Instructor (CCI, MCI, THCI)

Born and raised on Georgian Bay, a perfect venue for canoeing, Marty has enjoyed everything this area has to offer. Canoeing began for him at the summer cottage when he was 9 years old. By 16, he was the proud owner of his first craft. Over the years, the Tannahill fleet has expanded leaving precious little space left in the garage.


Educationally, his background includes nursing and a Masters in social work. Retired, he enjoys a more relaxed pace. He now has more time for the "good stuff".

Marty has taught and volunteered for canoeing clubs and organizations.

His patience and perseverence (stubbornness) are two of the qualities that his students admire in him.

An accomplished angler and amateur photographer, fishing gear and photo equipment are always handy. 

If you ask he's usually more than willing to share a tip or two. Marty enjoys sharing his experiences with others. In that regard, his media presentations are a delight. Best of all, he paddles at least 8 months of the year, from spring flood to winter freeze-up.
